Utility functions¶
Various utilities and helper functions.
- permute.utils.binom_conf_interval(n, x, cl=0.975, alternative='two-sided', p=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Compute a confidence interval for a binomial p, the probability of success in each trial.
- Parameters
- nint
The number of Bernoulli trials.
- xint
The number of successes.
- clfloat in (0, 1)
The desired confidence level.
- alternative{“two-sided”, “lower”, “upper”}
Indicates the alternative hypothesis.
- pfloat in (0, 1)
Starting point in search for confidence bounds for probability of success in each trial.
- kwargsdict
Key word arguments
- Returns
- tuple
lower and upper confidence level with coverage (approximately) 1-alpha.
- xtolfloat
- rtolfloat
- maxiterint
Maximum number of iterations.
- permute.utils.binomial_p(x, n, p, alternative='greater')[source]¶
- Parameters
- xarray-like
list of elements consisting of x in {0, 1} where 0 represents a failure and 1 represents a seccuess
- pint
hypothesized number of successes in n trials
- nint
number of trials
- alternative{‘greater’, ‘less’, ‘two-sided’}
alternative hypothesis to test (default: ‘greater’)
- Returns
- ——-
- float
estimated p-value
- permute.utils.get_prng(seed=None)[source]¶
Turn seed into a cryptorandom instance
- Parameters
- seed{None, int, str, RandomState}
If seed is None, return generate a pseudo-random 63-bit seed using np.random and return a new SHA256 instance seeded with it. If seed is a number or str, return a new cryptorandom instance seeded with seed. If seed is already a numpy.random RandomState or SHA256 instance, return it. Otherwise raise ValueError.
- Returns
- RandomState
- permute.utils.hypergeom_conf_interval(n, x, N, cl=0.975, alternative='two-sided', G=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Confidence interval for a hypergeometric distribution parameter G, the number of good objects in a population in size N, based on the number x of good objects in a simple random sample of size n.
- Parameters
- nint
The number of draws without replacement.
- xint
The number of “good” objects in the sample.
- Nint
The number of objects in the population.
- clfloat in (0, 1)
The desired confidence level.
- alternative{“two-sided”, “lower”, “upper”}
Indicates the alternative hypothesis.
- Gint in [0, N]
Starting point in search for confidence bounds for the hypergeometric parameter G.
- kwargsdict
Key word arguments
- Returns
- tuple
lower and upper confidence level with coverage (at least) 1-alpha.
- xtolfloat
- rtolfloat
- maxiterint
Maximum number of iterations.
- permute.utils.hypergeometric(x, N, n, G, alternative='greater')[source]¶
- Parameters
- xint
number of good elements observed in the sample
- Nint
population size
- nint
sample size
- Gint
hypothesized number of good elements in population
- alternative{‘greater’, ‘less’, ‘two-sided’}
alternative hypothesis to test (default: ‘greater’)
- Returns
- ——-
- float
estimated p-value
- permute.utils.permute(x, seed=None)[source]¶
Permute an array in-place
- Parameters
- xarray-like
A 1-d array
- seedRandomState instance or {None, int, RandomState instance}
If None, the pseudorandom number generator is the RandomState instance used by np.random; If int, seed is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, seed is the pseudorandom number generator
- Returns
- None
Original array is permuted in-place, nothing is returned.
- permute.utils.permute_incidence_fixed_sums(incidence, k=1, seed=None)[source]¶
Permute elements of a (binary) incidence matrix, keeping the row and column sums in-tact.
- Parameters
- incidence2D ndarray
Incidence matrix to permute.
- kint
The number of successful pairwise swaps to perform.
- seedRandomState instance or {None, int, RandomState instance}
If None, the pseudorandom number generator is the RandomState instance used by np.random; If int, seed is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, seed is the pseudorandom number generator
- Returns
- permuted2D ndarray
The permuted incidence matrix.
The row and column sums are kept fixed by always swapping elements two pairs at a time.
- permute.utils.permute_rows(m, seed=None)[source]¶
Permute the rows of a matrix in-place
- Parameters
- marray-like
A 2-d array
- seedRandomState instance or {None, int, RandomState instance}
If None, the pseudorandom number generator is the RandomState instance used by np.random; If int, seed is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, seed is the pseudorandom number generator
- Returns
- None
Original matrix is permuted in-place, nothing is returned.
- permute.utils.permute_within_groups(x, group, seed=None)[source]¶
Permutation of condition within each group.
- Parameters
- xarray-like
A 1-d array indicating treatment.
- grouparray-like
A 1-d array indicating group membership
- seedRandomState instance or {None, int, RandomState instance}
If None, the pseudorandom number generator is the RandomState instance used by np.random; If int, seed is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, seed is the pseudorandom number generator
- Returns
- permutedarray-like
The within group permutation of x.
- permute.utils.potential_outcomes(x, y, f, finverse)[source]¶
Given observations
under treatment and
under control conditions, returns the potential outcomes for units under their unobserved condition under the hypothesis that
for all units.
- Parameters
- xarray-like
Outcomes under treatment
- yarray-like
Outcomes under control
- ffunction
An invertible function
- finversefunction
The inverse function to f.
- Returns
- potential_outcomes2D array
The first column contains all potential outcomes under the treatment, the second column contains all potential outcomes under the control.