Source code for permute.utils

Various utilities and helper functions.

import math

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from scipy.stats import binom, hypergeom
from cryptorandom.cryptorandom import SHA256
from cryptorandom.sample import random_sample, random_permutation

[docs]def binom_conf_interval(n, x, cl=0.975, alternative="two-sided", p=None, **kwargs): """ Compute a confidence interval for a binomial p, the probability of success in each trial. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of Bernoulli trials. x : int The number of successes. cl : float in (0, 1) The desired confidence level. alternative : {"two-sided", "lower", "upper"} Indicates the alternative hypothesis. p : float in (0, 1) Starting point in search for confidence bounds for probability of success in each trial. kwargs : dict Key word arguments Returns ------- tuple lower and upper confidence level with coverage (approximately) 1-alpha. Notes ----- xtol : float Tolerance rtol : float Tolerance maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations. """ assert alternative in ("two-sided", "lower", "upper") if p is None: p = x / n ci_low = 0.0 ci_upp = 1.0 if alternative == 'two-sided': cl = 1 - (1 - cl) / 2 if alternative != "upper" and x > 0: f = lambda q: cl - binom.cdf(x - 1, n, q) while f(p) < 0: p = (p+1)/2 ci_low = brentq(f, 0.0, p, *kwargs) if alternative != "lower" and x < n: f = lambda q: binom.cdf(x, n, q) - (1 - cl) while f(p) < 0: p = p/2 ci_upp = brentq(f, 1.0, p, *kwargs) return ci_low, ci_upp
[docs]def hypergeom_conf_interval(n, x, N, cl=0.975, alternative="two-sided", G=None, **kwargs): """ Confidence interval for a hypergeometric distribution parameter G, the number of good objects in a population in size N, based on the number x of good objects in a simple random sample of size n. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of draws without replacement. x : int The number of "good" objects in the sample. N : int The number of objects in the population. cl : float in (0, 1) The desired confidence level. alternative : {"two-sided", "lower", "upper"} Indicates the alternative hypothesis. G : int in [0, N] Starting point in search for confidence bounds for the hypergeometric parameter G. kwargs : dict Key word arguments Returns ------- tuple lower and upper confidence level with coverage (at least) 1-alpha. Notes ----- xtol : float Tolerance rtol : float Tolerance maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations. """ assert alternative in ("two-sided", "lower", "upper") if G is None: G = (x / n) * N ci_low = 0 ci_upp = N if alternative == 'two-sided': cl = 1 - (1 - cl) / 2 if alternative != "upper" and x > 0: f = lambda q: cl - hypergeom.cdf(x - 1, N, q, n) while f(G) < 0: G = (G+N)/2 ci_low = math.ceil(brentq(f, 0.0, G, *kwargs)) if alternative != "lower" and x < n: f = lambda q: hypergeom.cdf(x, N, q, n) - (1 - cl) while f(G) < 0: G = G/2 ci_upp = math.floor(brentq(f, G, N, *kwargs)) return ci_low, ci_upp
[docs]def hypergeometric(x, N, n, G, alternative='greater'): """ Parameters ---------- x : int number of `good` elements observed in the sample N : int population size n : int sample size G : int hypothesized number of good elements in population alternative : {'greater', 'less', 'two-sided'} alternative hypothesis to test (default: 'greater') Returns ------- float estimated p-value """ if n < x: raise ValueError("Cannot observe more good elements than the sample size") if N < n: raise ValueError("Population size cannot be smaller than sample") if N < G: raise ValueError("Number of good elements can't exceed the population size") if G < x: raise ValueError("Number of observed good elements can't exceed the number in the population") assert alternative in ("two-sided", "less", "greater") if n < x: raise ValueError("Cannot observe more successes than the population size") plower = hypergeom.cdf(x, N, G, n) pupper = hypergeom.sf(x-1, N, G, n) if alternative == 'two-sided': pvalue = 2*np.min([plower, pupper, 0.5]) elif alternative == 'greater': pvalue = pupper elif alternative == 'less': pvalue = plower return pvalue
[docs]def binomial_p(x, n, p, alternative='greater'): """ Parameters ---------- x : array-like list of elements consisting of x in {0, 1} where 0 represents a failure and 1 represents a seccuess p : int hypothesized number of successes in n trials n : int number of trials alternative : {'greater', 'less', 'two-sided'} alternative hypothesis to test (default: 'greater') Returns ------- float estimated p-value """ assert alternative in ("two-sided", "less", "greater") if n < x: raise ValueError("Cannot observe more successes than the population size") plower = binom.cdf(x, n, p) pupper = binom.sf(x-1, n, p) if alternative == 'two-sided': pvalue = 2*np.min([plower, pupper, 0.5]) elif alternative == 'greater': pvalue = pupper elif alternative == 'less': pvalue = plower return pvalue
[docs]def get_prng(seed=None): """Turn seed into a cryptorandom instance Parameters ---------- seed : {None, int, str, RandomState} If seed is None, return generate a pseudo-random 63-bit seed using np.random and return a new SHA256 instance seeded with it. If seed is a number or str, return a new cryptorandom instance seeded with seed. If seed is already a numpy.random RandomState or SHA256 instance, return it. Otherwise raise ValueError. Returns ------- RandomState """ if seed is None: # Need to specify dtype (Windows defaults to int32) seed = np.random.randint(0, 10**10, dtype=np.int64) # generate an integer if seed is np.random: return np.random.mtrand._rand if isinstance(seed, (int, np.integer, float, str)): return SHA256(seed) if isinstance(seed, (np.random.RandomState, SHA256)): return seed raise ValueError('%r cannot be used to seed cryptorandom' % seed)
[docs]def permute_within_groups(x, group, seed=None): """ Permutation of condition within each group. Parameters ---------- x : array-like A 1-d array indicating treatment. group : array-like A 1-d array indicating group membership seed : RandomState instance or {None, int, RandomState instance} If None, the pseudorandom number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`; If int, seed is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, seed is the pseudorandom number generator Returns ------- permuted : array-like The within group permutation of x. """ prng = get_prng(seed) permuted = x.copy() for g in np.unique(group): gg = group == g permuted[gg] = random_permutation(permuted[gg], prng=prng) return permuted
[docs]def permute(x, seed=None): """ Permute an array in-place Parameters ---------- x : array-like A 1-d array seed : RandomState instance or {None, int, RandomState instance} If None, the pseudorandom number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`; If int, seed is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, seed is the pseudorandom number generator Returns ------- None Original array is permuted in-place, nothing is returned. """ return random_permutation(x, prng=seed)
[docs]def permute_rows(m, seed=None): """ Permute the rows of a matrix in-place Parameters ---------- m : array-like A 2-d array seed : RandomState instance or {None, int, RandomState instance} If None, the pseudorandom number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`; If int, seed is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, seed is the pseudorandom number generator Returns ------- None Original matrix is permuted in-place, nothing is returned. """ prng = get_prng(seed) mprime = [] for row in m: mprime.append(random_permutation(row, prng=prng)) return np.array(mprime)
[docs]def permute_incidence_fixed_sums(incidence, k=1, seed=None): """ Permute elements of a (binary) incidence matrix, keeping the row and column sums in-tact. Parameters ---------- incidence : 2D ndarray Incidence matrix to permute. k : int The number of successful pairwise swaps to perform. seed : RandomState instance or {None, int, RandomState instance} If None, the pseudorandom number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`; If int, seed is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, seed is the pseudorandom number generator Notes ----- The row and column sums are kept fixed by always swapping elements two pairs at a time. Returns ------- permuted : 2D ndarray The permuted incidence matrix. """ if not incidence.ndim == 2: raise ValueError("Incidence matrix must be 2D") if incidence.min() != 0 or incidence.max() != 1: raise ValueError("Incidence matrix must be binary") prng = get_prng(seed) incidence = incidence.copy() n, m = incidence.shape rows = np.arange(n) cols = np.arange(m) K, k = k, 0 while k < K: swappable = False while not swappable: chosen_rows = np.random.choice(rows, 2, replace=False) s0, s1 = chosen_rows potential_cols0, = np.where((incidence[s0, :] == 1) & (incidence[s1, :] == 0)) potential_cols1, = np.where((incidence[s0, :] == 0) & (incidence[s1, :] == 1)) potential_cols0 = np.setdiff1d(potential_cols0, potential_cols1) if (len(potential_cols0) == 0) or (len(potential_cols1) == 0): continue p0 = prng.choice(potential_cols0) p1 = prng.choice(potential_cols1) # These statements should always be true, so we should # never raise an assertion here assert incidence[s0, p0] == 1 assert incidence[s0, p1] == 0 assert incidence[s1, p0] == 0 assert incidence[s1, p1] == 1 swappable = True i0 = incidence.copy() incidence[[s0, s0, s1, s1], [p0, p1, p0, p1]] = [0, 1, 1, 0] k += 1 return incidence
[docs]def potential_outcomes(x, y, f, finverse): """ Given observations $x$ under treatment and $y$ under control conditions, returns the potential outcomes for units under their unobserved condition under the hypothesis that $x_i = f(y_i)$ for all units. Parameters ---------- x : array-like Outcomes under treatment y : array-like Outcomes under control f : function An invertible function finverse : function The inverse function to f. Returns ------- potential_outcomes : 2D array The first column contains all potential outcomes under the treatment, the second column contains all potential outcomes under the control. """ tester = np.array(range(5)) + 1 assert np.allclose(finverse(f(tester)), tester), "f and finverse aren't inverses" assert np.allclose(f(finverse(tester)), tester), "f and finverse aren't inverses" pot_treat = np.concatenate([x, f(y)]) pot_ctrl = np.concatenate([finverse(x), y]) return np.column_stack([pot_treat, pot_ctrl])