API Reference¶
provides permutation tests and confidence intervals for a variety
of nonparametric testing and estimation problems, for a variety of
randomization designs.
Stratified and unstratified tests
Test statistics in each stratum
Methods of combining tests across strata
Nonparametric combinations of tests
The 2-sample problem
The n-sample problem
Tests for the slope in linear regression
Tests for quantiles
Tests of independence and association: runs tests, permutation association
Tests of exchangeability
Tests of symmetry: reflection, spherical
Permutation ANOVA
Goodness of fit tests
Confidence sets¶
Constant shifts
Proportional shifts
Monotone shifts
UC Berkeley’s Statistics 240: Nonparametric and Robust Methods.
“Permutation Tests for Complex Data: Theory, Applications and Software” by Fortunato Pesarin, Luigi Salmaso
“Stochastic Ordering and ANOVA: Theory and Applications with R” by Basso D., Pesarin F., Salmaso L., Solari A.